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Tea Baths!

The Little Known Option for Non Tea Drinkers



Tea drinking isn't for everyone, but tea bathing can be a relaxing option to choose. Not only is it another way of receiving the nutrients and benefits of tea drinking, but it's also a soothing and stress-relieving alternative for the body. As one of the oldest methods for holistic treatment, tea baths allow herbal nutrients to quickly gain contact while alleviating bodily issues. Tea baths are therapeutic and are great for spa day activities. Below are some pointers for making your tea bath an enjoyable one.​


1. Get the right tea bath.

While random picks for your tea bath are adventurous, having the right blend that addresses your needs makes your tea bath worthwhile. Think about what your needs with this checklist:

  • Am I needing a/an

    • energy burst​

    • calmer

    • sleep enhancer

    • coolant

    • stress/anxiety reliever

    • sexual stimulant

    • meditation inducer

    • pain reducer

Any of these buzz words can be found in tea bath descriptions and can assist in guiding you to a tailored fit tea bath.


2. Set the scene for your bath.

There's nothing like a relaxing bath the moves you into your own world of serenity. Other than the traditional candles, soft music, and bubbles in the tub, you can make this scene any way you please. If you are short on ideas, use your tea bath blend as a prompt and what comes from that. For example, UC Teas Herbal Tea Co. has "Smoky Spice" tea blend inspired by jazz music, smoky taverns, distinguished gentlemen's clubs, and fine liqueur. Jazz music and candle scents that possess a smoky scent like licorice or spice scent like anise can go well with your bath. Basically, make this space all about you for a total respite immersion.  


3. Prep your tea bath bags.

This step is important for tea bath functionality. While you can place the tea bag into your bathwater, if your water is below 80 degrees Fahrenheit, it may take longer for the tea bags to release the tea blend effectively into the water. To get the best out of your tea bath, steep bags in boiling hot water for 15 to 20 minutes. Once the water takes on a concentrated texture (the water should turn as the color of the tea blend), pour into the bathtub. From there set your bath water to your desired temperature.


4. Enjoy!

THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP. Make your tea time either in the bathtub or in drinking an enjoyable one. Relax and allow the herbal essence to do its work. ​


UC Teas Herbal Tea Co. is happy to offer our seasonal collection of tea baths which feature a blend for everyone and hopefully most of your respite needs. Using non-toxic and organic herbs, we make sure that we are supporting our customers with quality products and enhancing your self care journey. Come check out our tea baths today.

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